Lets be truthful for once..
1) I borrowed this book from Jag.. and its in pretty bad condition even after he made me swear itll be fine, or he will use his sikh powers and throw me into a raging river. iwas saving up to buy him a new copy but a) im broke, and b) the world doesnt seem to have that edition anymore...
2) I havent smoked for ages. almost 2 weeks. the last one was a few days ago, but that was a few puffs from a stolen cigg( sorry bro) and other then that ive been smoke free. Not much cravings tho. im kinda bored of having to breathe deeply all the time.. tho i think once im loaded again ill turn into another chimney.
3) Ilyas is going to the dogs. Meaning ive run out of ideas. Theres plenty of ideas flitting around in my cranium i really dunnoe what to write down. Sad hey?
4) I can wait for NS. seriously. im looking forward to leading. I dunnoe y. I have my sights set on OCS(officer cadet school) and i hope i get in. Although i am kinda lazy, i wanna be a man like sharpe, and have men respect me becos im calm under fire.. i wanna test myself, and not be found wanting.
5) I have worn, two shorts, that do not belong to me, without underwear. They belong, repectively to Messrs. Khamal and Harrison and im really sorry guys, but theyre realllllyyy comfortable.. gets wind up me err.. ballacks if u noe wat i mean.
6) I have been a bad brother. I somtimes wonder if im being to 'adult' with taha.. too many foul words, throwing things at him and throwing him around, hitting him and stuff.. but he always gets me back. harder. Like playing roughly with him is just escalating his sense of violence.. im not surprised hell end up as a gangster one day, or head of a syndicate or a lawyer even.. cos hes going to be smart that one. mightily smart. The best of the jailani's, thats for sure. Maybe i can live off him or something.. haha..
7) i think italy are damn lucky to win the world cup, to get through to the next round even! They should have succumbed to australia, but that cheating, lying scum of a Grosso went flying at the right moment. A whole nation of Naval fools, i think.. think they can dive their way to victory..
8) I have the flu. Hence, i have phlegm. And i am uber sick. Since the phlegm irritate me so much, i kinda check how much plegm i remove after every blow. thats right. i grab a tissue, blow my nose.. and check how much green stuff i got. The more the better, right? so i can breathe without sounding like vader. And theres been a few colours.
a) the green: Standard colour, easiest to dislodge. the lighter the better.
b)the colourless: these are the most difficult to remove. they normally stay between the mouth and the nose, and are more sticky then wet, thereby forcing one wait for the opportune moment to blow it out. Very very irritaitng.
c) red streaks: the dry weather and nosepicking inevitably leads to blood as the inner skin is abraded with constant digging and/or blowing. not very normal.
d) the yellow: the rarest. i just got a sample.. i think it was the tea i was drinking.. kinda sick eh?
Anyway, u noe when u have absolutely nothing to write about when u write about phlegm.. so ill keep plugging away and think of a good story to write.. maybe ill write a story about a useless twenty something with nothing to do with his life( technically im still 19, but who's counting?)..
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