Sunday, July 29, 2007

I love my parents.

But lately, after i told them about my break up, theyve been a little more supportive then they should be...

1) when i was about to go for Ex starlight, my dad told me this at the airport, " Don't worry, youll find another one when you get home. there are plenty out there. If you happen to meet a pretty, muslim taiwanese girl, maybe you could bring her home.."

2)I told my mum i was having lunch with shabina, who was leaving for Australia, and she gave a loud gasp. " Shabina?" she said, all this in malay but i have translated it for you," but what happened to the other one?"

I gave a non-commital shrug but the look on her face was too comical, i couldnt stop a smile from escaping.

" So did she kick you out or did you kick her out?" she said, with a smile.


"So shes found someone else?" asked my mum, her eyes twinkling." You want me to return the cloth she gave me?"

Good old mum.

3) I was sitting down in johor with my parents, having lunch, when my dad broke the silence by clearing his throat. " You know that friend of yours who came over to our house for Hari Raya? The one whose mum is your mums second cousin?"

I was eating, but i was wary just the same. "Yeah?"

"Your mum and I feel that we wouldnt mind being closer to their family. Why don't you go make friends with her?"

I nearly choked on my rice. She wasnt actually a saint. In fact shes been with my coursemates back in NP. I felt slightly nauseated thinking of a friends leftovers.

My dad thought i had scoffed at her looks. "But even your Auntie thinks shes good looking. She's as keen as well if khamal were interested."

Poor khamal..

Im not sure why all this is happening now, especially since im only 21 for godsakes.. still got ages to go before anything..

There is this girl tho, who is my ideal girl, the girl of my dreams, but i doubt it will ever happen.

There is another girl who is far away, who i have promised to make mine if we were both single when we became 28.

There is also my teenage sweetheart to consider.

As well as other ppl, other girls out there.

But all in all, im not choosy. Any one of this, any girl who fits the bill, is the one that i want.

But the time i have is not mine. Maybe someday, ill be free to go look for her. Till then, im right here beb. The balls in your court. Itll be awhile before the ball is served by me again..

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