Saturday, February 02, 2008

Its a new year, and a new month! and im finally back, in black(and white) to bring u more laughs and more drama from my ever exciting life.

yeap. its EXCITING.

First up, career. Hmm.. same same.. army life is pretty cool. I dont think ill ever be this happy to be in a job. Theres like cool guys to hang with, funny happenings that fill the day with endless laughter. I can sleep whenever i want, do practically anything(including bking in way after 12). How to complain? Smoking isnt just for the smoking corner anymore.. :)
bored? watch simpsons, supernatural, heroes.. etc etc.. all there, in the specialist bunk where i tend to rot in more now arrauf is on course..

Next.. LOVE. or lack thereof. I just went thru a really happy time with this girl. I mean, i havent had so much fun since dhan! And as i was waiting for the rainbow to disappear, the rain clouds came in and drenched the whole parade. With great happiness, there always hides great depression. What the americans went thru was nothing compared to what happened to me. SHeesh.

But, i still think i have the worlds greatest selection of friends! Special mention to Shabina, Fasihah, my sis, Shai and the ycp crew as well as the great specs of ALPHA coy plt 1.. thanks for ur constant support and companionship! I wouldnt be enjoying life so much if u guys arent in my life. :)

sappy siah. Blog only get so emo.

as nurul would say " stop it siah! so fall out boy."

peace (of me: by Britney.)

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