It was weird though. It seemed to have been a surgical strike to the heart , but the victim must have suffered quite alot due to the evidence shown. Clenched teeth. Dried tears on his eyebags. Body curled up in a foetal position. He was prety strong though, or else he had the endurance of an elephant on creatine, because he had crawled quite a distance away from the scene. You can see the blood smear stretching all the way to his house from the front gate.
I wonder if he will be mourned. Seems to be a pretty good looking bloke. Lived in a condo with his parents, sister and two brothers. Pity he had to go like that.
I saw the article where he had written a few words before he was stabbed. Seems like he was sorry about something he had done to his gf. There were a few dramatic lines involving waiting and hoping, or some such nonsense, but he did seem quite adamant that what he said be taken at face value. And oh, he mentioned he would love her forever.
Well, whatever he promised, he took it to his grave. Let us all take a few moments to remember the lost.
Because one of these days, we might find ourselves in a similar situation.

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