After watching this movie ive learnt a few things.
1)My Armour friend was telling me that if things start to falter in an operation, it always takes an Armour Officer to get things done.
2)Indecision kills. Literally.
3)A man is only a man when he makes a decision and sticks with it no matter what the consequence. That way, he's word is always true, and no one can take that away from him.
4)Hitler was either damn lucky or the rest were damn unlucky. Either way, we all knew how it was going to end.
5)Every operation has its cock ups. You can never run out of contingencies.
I liked Valkyrie. It reminded me of how the Romans used to try and oust the current government. It was always for the good of Rome, for the good of the people, for the good of the future. In fact, it normally meant for the good of the individual or a select few. In retrospect, we could say that the guys behind the plots to destroy Hitler were doing the right thing, but how could they have known that at that time? Everyone was still behind the regime. So how could this guys have the foresight to actually say " hey, i think this is wrong. I believe that i should not standby and let it happen." Without knowing what lay in the future, they put everything on the line to achieve the ideals and principles they stood for, believing what they were doing was right and just.
As Tommy puts it so eloquently in 'Snatch' as he points the gun to the head of the gangsta armed with a baseball bat, will i ever have the "minerals" to stick to my plan, no matter the cost?
Inshallah. God Willing.
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