wait wait wait.. i know im sad, but thats not the point.. its been so freaking long! dats the point actually.. hmm..
Im an officer now, 2LT Muhammad Taufiq of the 5Th Battalion Singapore infantry regiment, in-charge of platoon 1 of alpha company, the finest breed of soldiers since "soldier" and also the sly-est since.. err.. the fox?
Its been a tough month getting to know the people im supposed to work with, superiors and subordinates alike, but slowly im getting a hang of things.. already the camp feels like home, a place where i can be me.
Batman has the mask. I have the green.
Enough about army. Next thing on the list is raya.
Hmm.. not very good dis yr.. i havent got my clothes, havent done anything to the house, no kuih, no special goodies what so ever.. but im still excited about raya.. y? i have no freaking idea.. haha..
Its been awhile, but im still so uninspired to write anything. especially about ilyas. Soon lah, dey. a little dust never hurt anyone(unless ur allergic).
Green jacket
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Woahh.. this is wat iam, after taking a personality test.. pretty cool..
Mixed Messenger
Deliberate Brutal Love Dreamer (DBLD)
Just...take...the...fucking...flower...darling. The Mixed Messenger apologizes again.
You're looking for love, but you'll always maintain your independence. You're prepared for a real commitment, but it's also likely that you're ambitious, which creates a certain romantic tension and ambivalence within you. So although you can be very affectionate to someone, you are also capable of pulling some dubious shit.
In a relationship, you're usually the emotional leader. With your friends, you're a little bit more part of the pack. You're well-liked but you're not the uninhibited type, so the spotlight's often on someone else. In both social and romantic situations, however, you almost always get what you want. Influencing people is something you do very well.
Mixed Messenger
Deliberate Brutal Love Dreamer (DBLD)
Just...take...the...fucking...flower...darling. The Mixed Messenger apologizes again.
You're looking for love, but you'll always maintain your independence. You're prepared for a real commitment, but it's also likely that you're ambitious, which creates a certain romantic tension and ambivalence within you. So although you can be very affectionate to someone, you are also capable of pulling some dubious shit.
In a relationship, you're usually the emotional leader. With your friends, you're a little bit more part of the pack. You're well-liked but you're not the uninhibited type, so the spotlight's often on someone else. In both social and romantic situations, however, you almost always get what you want. Influencing people is something you do very well.
Monday, September 03, 2007
It was a beautiful night to die.
Ilyas was unafraid. If anything, he was ready to accept his fate. He was the epitome of calm, the air around him vibrating with his serenity. This was where it all ends. Answers were coming. Answers that was long overdue.
The two metal doors were opened wide, the light from within casting shadows of the huge wooden crates that were scattered in the cavernous depths of the warehouse. The chill night air rustled the leaves on the trees along the road, bringing the smell of rain. Ilyas noticed this and more. He saw the tell tale signs of recent vehicular activity in this abandoned building. He smelt the faint tang of kerosene in the air, and he felt his Jacket get coming alive with tingles.The enemy was near.
He entered the warehouse, and walked straight towards an unused load lifter that was rusting peacebly in its slumber.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
its been a harrowing week
The forest was silent.
Leaves crackled like thunder beneath his feet. Slowly, he made his way forward, the dagger held at ready, his eyes scanning from side to side. A sudden wind lifted a leaves of the ground, and made the trees moan as more red gold leaves fluttered to the ground.
It was spring in Maine. Hunting season.
Another step forward. On the horizon, he saw a small log cottage on an undulating knoll. The windows were dark, and the overcast sky made the cottage look forbiding. He had an ominous feeling in his stomach, a flutter that could not be erased. But still he strode forward. The vision the child had shown him was coming true.
This was were the Green Jacket dies.
Leaves crackled like thunder beneath his feet. Slowly, he made his way forward, the dagger held at ready, his eyes scanning from side to side. A sudden wind lifted a leaves of the ground, and made the trees moan as more red gold leaves fluttered to the ground.
It was spring in Maine. Hunting season.
Another step forward. On the horizon, he saw a small log cottage on an undulating knoll. The windows were dark, and the overcast sky made the cottage look forbiding. He had an ominous feeling in his stomach, a flutter that could not be erased. But still he strode forward. The vision the child had shown him was coming true.
This was were the Green Jacket dies.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The 21st
Ive had many defeats. And so many victories. Ive worked hard, earned every step of the way with blood and sweat and congealed lactic acid in every fibre of every muscle in my body.
Ive reached the summit, ive seen the other side.
I breathe the cool breeze and feel the touch of snow on my bare, bleeding feet.
I look back, and see only a defeated slope.
I look forward, and see the serrated edges of the downward grade waiting for me.
in my hands i grasp a shining sword, and a bronze bayonet. They were new to me,
I didnt look for them, but when the chance came, i took them.
But i am alone. I look side to side, and i see only emptiness, the blue sky and the hard
ground beneath my feet.
I would throw everything in my hands, and start from the very beginning if
it meant i cud be with you. But i curl my grip tighter. I will not be that stupid again.
Happy birthday, Taufiq. Many happy returns.
Ive reached the summit, ive seen the other side.
I breathe the cool breeze and feel the touch of snow on my bare, bleeding feet.
I look back, and see only a defeated slope.
I look forward, and see the serrated edges of the downward grade waiting for me.
in my hands i grasp a shining sword, and a bronze bayonet. They were new to me,
I didnt look for them, but when the chance came, i took them.
But i am alone. I look side to side, and i see only emptiness, the blue sky and the hard
ground beneath my feet.
I would throw everything in my hands, and start from the very beginning if
it meant i cud be with you. But i curl my grip tighter. I will not be that stupid again.
Happy birthday, Taufiq. Many happy returns.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Shabina is SOOOOO SWEEEETT!!! Anyway, heres what she wrote about me in one of those fiddly emails ppls so often pass around these days..
I added some comments in BLUE
1. My firstname-surname-nickname: Sir Mohd Taufiq Bin Jailani
2. Where did we meet?:the place where u wanted to get into angeline's pants (What??!!)
3. What do you think about me?: I think ur not bad(as in not hot)
4. How long have you known me?: 7 years
7. What抯 my favourite colour?: Green(eew..u look like a raya hong pau in that green jacket)
8. When you first saw me what was your first impression? Using me to get into angelines pants (haha)
11. Color Hair?: black
12. Color eyes?: brown
13. Have you ever had a crush on me? u would reli like that (Yah yah. Just ignore the question.)
14. Have you ever been jealous of me? yes
15. Whats one of my fav things to do indoors?: Sleep, tv,computer games, wanking (Hey! this is in the wrong order..)
16. Do you remember the first things I said to you when we first met? can i get into angeline's pants?
17. What抯 my fav type of music?: pop, ballads, backstreet boys, nsync
18.What抯 one of my fav things to do outdoors?: drink coffee at esplanade at 7 am!
20.Would you say I抦 funny HAHA or funny (sarcastic)?: BOTH
21. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?: rebel
22. Would you consider me a friend?: YES!
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, snobby, or something else?: funny..a little slutty :p (You would like that, wouldnt you?)
24. Have you ever seen me cry-when?:yeap. After u kissed me and i slapped u 6 times (what? no lah.. 7 times..)
26. If I had broccoli stuck on my teeth, would you tell me? YES. wouldnt wanna be seen wid u
27. Do you love me?: With all my heart. And unconditionally
28. Quiet or loud? loud
30. Smart or stupid? smart..can be stupid at times tho
31. Boring or Fun? fun
32. Attractive or Unattractive? attractive
33.A psycho? definitely
35. A nerd?yep..wid the mat glasses
36. A slut? yup. u slept wid 2 chicks (Nope. i dun go for poultry sex)(and your just jealous.. blueeek...)
37. Ghetto? no idea whats that>
38. Two-faced?nope
39. Obnoxious?sometimes
40. Immature?dats thana
41. Mature?yeah..at times
42. What do you think I抣l be when I grow up? a soldier
43. A) Do you think I抣l get married? yeah
B) If you do匴ho do you think I抣l marry? me
44. Who is my best friend? a hot indian girl in aussie (If your hot, go turn up the air conditioning..)
45. What song(if any)reminds you of me? say a little prayer for u, best fren's wedding
46. Do I remind you of any characters on TV? yeap. marcel from frens (hey.. stop monkeying around.. )
47. If you could rename me, what would my name be? TAUFIQ USED TO HAVE CRUSH ON SURIA
48. Have you ever had a dream about me?yeah (hmmm.. )
49. A feature that you like about me: ur laugh and corny jokes
50. If you could give me anything, what would it be? a home made cheesecake
51. Am I physically ugly, average, decent, good-looking, beautiful, hot? not bad
52. Would you ever kiss me? u reli would love that ( of course. after kissing u twice, id expect you to return the favour.)
53. Would you ever consider being my boyfriend/girlfriend? yeah ( awww...)
54. If we spent a day together?.where would we go and what would we do? force me to go esplanade at 7 am and watch me sleep
55. If you could describe me in one word, what would it be? corny
57. Is there anything you抎 like to say to me? i miss u so much u corny loser!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) My bestest best fren in the world(literally)
I added some comments in BLUE
1. My firstname-surname-nickname: Sir Mohd Taufiq Bin Jailani
2. Where did we meet?:the place where u wanted to get into angeline's pants (What??!!)
3. What do you think about me?: I think ur not bad(as in not hot)
4. How long have you known me?: 7 years
7. What抯 my favourite colour?: Green(eew..u look like a raya hong pau in that green jacket)
8. When you first saw me what was your first impression? Using me to get into angelines pants (haha)
11. Color Hair?: black
12. Color eyes?: brown
13. Have you ever had a crush on me? u would reli like that (Yah yah. Just ignore the question.)
14. Have you ever been jealous of me? yes
15. Whats one of my fav things to do indoors?: Sleep, tv,computer games, wanking (Hey! this is in the wrong order..)
16. Do you remember the first things I said to you when we first met? can i get into angeline's pants?
17. What抯 my fav type of music?: pop, ballads, backstreet boys, nsync
18.What抯 one of my fav things to do outdoors?: drink coffee at esplanade at 7 am!
20.Would you say I抦 funny HAHA or funny (sarcastic)?: BOTH
21. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?: rebel
22. Would you consider me a friend?: YES!
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, snobby, or something else?: funny..a little slutty :p (You would like that, wouldnt you?)
24. Have you ever seen me cry-when?:yeap. After u kissed me and i slapped u 6 times (what? no lah.. 7 times..)
26. If I had broccoli stuck on my teeth, would you tell me? YES. wouldnt wanna be seen wid u
27. Do you love me?: With all my heart. And unconditionally
28. Quiet or loud? loud
30. Smart or stupid? smart..can be stupid at times tho
31. Boring or Fun? fun
32. Attractive or Unattractive? attractive
33.A psycho? definitely
35. A nerd?yep..wid the mat glasses
36. A slut? yup. u slept wid 2 chicks (Nope. i dun go for poultry sex)(and your just jealous.. blueeek...)
37. Ghetto? no idea whats that>
38. Two-faced?nope
39. Obnoxious?sometimes
40. Immature?dats thana
41. Mature?yeah..at times
42. What do you think I抣l be when I grow up? a soldier
43. A) Do you think I抣l get married? yeah
B) If you do匴ho do you think I抣l marry? me
44. Who is my best friend? a hot indian girl in aussie (If your hot, go turn up the air conditioning..)
45. What song(if any)reminds you of me? say a little prayer for u, best fren's wedding
46. Do I remind you of any characters on TV? yeap. marcel from frens (hey.. stop monkeying around.. )
47. If you could rename me, what would my name be? TAUFIQ USED TO HAVE CRUSH ON SURIA
48. Have you ever had a dream about me?yeah (hmmm.. )
49. A feature that you like about me: ur laugh and corny jokes
50. If you could give me anything, what would it be? a home made cheesecake
51. Am I physically ugly, average, decent, good-looking, beautiful, hot? not bad
52. Would you ever kiss me? u reli would love that ( of course. after kissing u twice, id expect you to return the favour.)
53. Would you ever consider being my boyfriend/girlfriend? yeah ( awww...)
54. If we spent a day together?.where would we go and what would we do? force me to go esplanade at 7 am and watch me sleep
55. If you could describe me in one word, what would it be? corny
57. Is there anything you抎 like to say to me? i miss u so much u corny loser!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) My bestest best fren in the world(literally)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
The dream
You know that feeling, when you know its all a dream, yet you don't bother to stop yourself? You just continue with the 'movie', because you want it to be true.
She was beautiful. She had a boyfriend, a fat jerk who was older than both of us. We were out together, the three of us. I knew he was a jerk. He had those piggy eyes, and the first few words he gave me was that he was a military policemen, and that he was older than me, therefore better. I took it in, but i didnt let it get to me.
We went a few places in the dream, but the vision of those places are blurs in my minds eye. I remember we were sitting on granite benches, and he was standing in front of me. She was sitting next to me, and i was telling him really bad jokes, but i cant seem to concentrate. When he wasnt looking, she would blow softly into my ear, and whisper stuff i cant really hear. But i felt her love. Somehow.
We got on a bus. The three of us. The bus went its merry way, till it reached our stop. He was first off, i was next. Suddenly, he turned around and grabbed my collar. "Who do you think you are? Your're nobody! She will never be with you again!"
It was like the spitting thing all over again. But somehow, i had more guts this time. I grabbed his hand, did a quick twist and pushed him off me. He staggered, but there was a malicious glint in his eyes. He took out his card and a flashlight(no idea why) and he told me to put my hands up. "Im going to arrest you for physically abusing a military policeman."
I cocked my arm, and let fly. T ook him down like he was a cardboard target. Then, i leapt into the bus, found her waiting for me. In his pain, he roared at her. "Where are you going?"
For some reason she answered " The MRT!"
I was back aboard the bus, and the automatic door closed. Our hands met, and i was looking into her huge brown eyes, and i told her not to worry. "We'll get off at the next stop. He wont be expecting that. Get ready to run when i tell you too."
Then, i woke up.. and the most sweetest sensation, that i have ever only experienced in my dreams, was once again lost for another day. Sometimes, i wish i could just live in the land of dreams, as long as she's there, waiting for me.
Alas. It is but a dream.
She was beautiful. She had a boyfriend, a fat jerk who was older than both of us. We were out together, the three of us. I knew he was a jerk. He had those piggy eyes, and the first few words he gave me was that he was a military policemen, and that he was older than me, therefore better. I took it in, but i didnt let it get to me.
We went a few places in the dream, but the vision of those places are blurs in my minds eye. I remember we were sitting on granite benches, and he was standing in front of me. She was sitting next to me, and i was telling him really bad jokes, but i cant seem to concentrate. When he wasnt looking, she would blow softly into my ear, and whisper stuff i cant really hear. But i felt her love. Somehow.
We got on a bus. The three of us. The bus went its merry way, till it reached our stop. He was first off, i was next. Suddenly, he turned around and grabbed my collar. "Who do you think you are? Your're nobody! She will never be with you again!"
It was like the spitting thing all over again. But somehow, i had more guts this time. I grabbed his hand, did a quick twist and pushed him off me. He staggered, but there was a malicious glint in his eyes. He took out his card and a flashlight(no idea why) and he told me to put my hands up. "Im going to arrest you for physically abusing a military policeman."
I cocked my arm, and let fly. T ook him down like he was a cardboard target. Then, i leapt into the bus, found her waiting for me. In his pain, he roared at her. "Where are you going?"
For some reason she answered " The MRT!"
I was back aboard the bus, and the automatic door closed. Our hands met, and i was looking into her huge brown eyes, and i told her not to worry. "We'll get off at the next stop. He wont be expecting that. Get ready to run when i tell you too."
Then, i woke up.. and the most sweetest sensation, that i have ever only experienced in my dreams, was once again lost for another day. Sometimes, i wish i could just live in the land of dreams, as long as she's there, waiting for me.
Alas. It is but a dream.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I love my parents.
But lately, after i told them about my break up, theyve been a little more supportive then they should be...
1) when i was about to go for Ex starlight, my dad told me this at the airport, " Don't worry, youll find another one when you get home. there are plenty out there. If you happen to meet a pretty, muslim taiwanese girl, maybe you could bring her home.."
2)I told my mum i was having lunch with shabina, who was leaving for Australia, and she gave a loud gasp. " Shabina?" she said, all this in malay but i have translated it for you," but what happened to the other one?"
I gave a non-commital shrug but the look on her face was too comical, i couldnt stop a smile from escaping.
" So did she kick you out or did you kick her out?" she said, with a smile.
"So shes found someone else?" asked my mum, her eyes twinkling." You want me to return the cloth she gave me?"
Good old mum.
3) I was sitting down in johor with my parents, having lunch, when my dad broke the silence by clearing his throat. " You know that friend of yours who came over to our house for Hari Raya? The one whose mum is your mums second cousin?"
I was eating, but i was wary just the same. "Yeah?"
"Your mum and I feel that we wouldnt mind being closer to their family. Why don't you go make friends with her?"
I nearly choked on my rice. She wasnt actually a saint. In fact shes been with my coursemates back in NP. I felt slightly nauseated thinking of a friends leftovers.
My dad thought i had scoffed at her looks. "But even your Auntie thinks shes good looking. She's as keen as well if khamal were interested."
Poor khamal..
Im not sure why all this is happening now, especially since im only 21 for godsakes.. still got ages to go before anything..
There is this girl tho, who is my ideal girl, the girl of my dreams, but i doubt it will ever happen.
There is another girl who is far away, who i have promised to make mine if we were both single when we became 28.
There is also my teenage sweetheart to consider.
As well as other ppl, other girls out there.
But all in all, im not choosy. Any one of this, any girl who fits the bill, is the one that i want.
But the time i have is not mine. Maybe someday, ill be free to go look for her. Till then, im right here beb. The balls in your court. Itll be awhile before the ball is served by me again..
But lately, after i told them about my break up, theyve been a little more supportive then they should be...
1) when i was about to go for Ex starlight, my dad told me this at the airport, " Don't worry, youll find another one when you get home. there are plenty out there. If you happen to meet a pretty, muslim taiwanese girl, maybe you could bring her home.."
2)I told my mum i was having lunch with shabina, who was leaving for Australia, and she gave a loud gasp. " Shabina?" she said, all this in malay but i have translated it for you," but what happened to the other one?"
I gave a non-commital shrug but the look on her face was too comical, i couldnt stop a smile from escaping.
" So did she kick you out or did you kick her out?" she said, with a smile.
"So shes found someone else?" asked my mum, her eyes twinkling." You want me to return the cloth she gave me?"
Good old mum.
3) I was sitting down in johor with my parents, having lunch, when my dad broke the silence by clearing his throat. " You know that friend of yours who came over to our house for Hari Raya? The one whose mum is your mums second cousin?"
I was eating, but i was wary just the same. "Yeah?"
"Your mum and I feel that we wouldnt mind being closer to their family. Why don't you go make friends with her?"
I nearly choked on my rice. She wasnt actually a saint. In fact shes been with my coursemates back in NP. I felt slightly nauseated thinking of a friends leftovers.
My dad thought i had scoffed at her looks. "But even your Auntie thinks shes good looking. She's as keen as well if khamal were interested."
Poor khamal..
Im not sure why all this is happening now, especially since im only 21 for godsakes.. still got ages to go before anything..
There is this girl tho, who is my ideal girl, the girl of my dreams, but i doubt it will ever happen.
There is another girl who is far away, who i have promised to make mine if we were both single when we became 28.
There is also my teenage sweetheart to consider.
As well as other ppl, other girls out there.
But all in all, im not choosy. Any one of this, any girl who fits the bill, is the one that i want.
But the time i have is not mine. Maybe someday, ill be free to go look for her. Till then, im right here beb. The balls in your court. Itll be awhile before the ball is served by me again..
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
nothing better to do
Its been awhile since i had a retrospective analysis on my life so far, the last quarter of this decade. Many things have happened, and not many have been very good, particularly after i was enlisted. Hmm.. here are some of the highlights of my life for the last coupla years. They are not placed in order, of course.
1) Sadly, i confessed my feelings to a very close friend of mine, and things took a turn for the worse when she decided things were to weird to continue being friends.
2) Teaching in my old alma mater was a superb experience that made me see the other side of the mirror. Although looking back, i think i was a little to immature to be teaching kids barely 5 years my junior. Maybe when i return to sembawang, ill do a better job.
3)Dating a friend's girl behind his back. Got caught, got spat on, lost the girl. Not a very happy ending, all things considered.
4) Fell in love with a beautiful angel who was perfect, except for dumb old me who, when in love, tends to become unforgivably protective ( and possesive). Amazing what a few months in OCS has taught me about material possesion. IF only.
5) Dated a girl on and off for two years. Treated her like crap for the first year or so, always breaking up with her in the end. But the moment i decided to give the relationship the due attention in required, i gets dumped, and before you can say "go Lemmings" shes with someone else. Hmm.. Serves me right i suppose.
6) Got into OCS. It was no easy work to get here, and no easy work to leave here either. The hours are crazy, the days are tiring, the nights are fitful. But the end is near. ;)
7) Lost my other close friend, this time to studies. Shes going to Australia in stages, returning 4 or 5 months for the holidays. I miss her already. She's my longest girl-friend i have(almost 7 years!) and i have this feeling were fated to fulfill the promise we made when we were 14. :)
8) Did "Tainted Flower" as well as directed the lukewarm "sketches: A story of hope" for and with Yellow Chair Productions. Proudest moment ever when i started cutting my hair in Tainted and got screams of horror from the crowd. Preeetttyyy cool.
9) Made great friends from yellow chair, Shai, Yaz, Shahdon, to name a few.. met the gruesome twosome there as well, and ended getting spat on. Genius.
10) Did Ides of March! slow, boring, with a rousing finish, ides was my first step into proper acting. Cool huh?
11) Acted in R21 as well as Takdir, a final year project for a friend of mine. Oh well. tv acting hasnt been my cup of tea just yet. :)
Thats all folks. a pretty candid affair, i think. Any input, feel free to drop me a line. cheers..
1) Sadly, i confessed my feelings to a very close friend of mine, and things took a turn for the worse when she decided things were to weird to continue being friends.
2) Teaching in my old alma mater was a superb experience that made me see the other side of the mirror. Although looking back, i think i was a little to immature to be teaching kids barely 5 years my junior. Maybe when i return to sembawang, ill do a better job.
3)Dating a friend's girl behind his back. Got caught, got spat on, lost the girl. Not a very happy ending, all things considered.
4) Fell in love with a beautiful angel who was perfect, except for dumb old me who, when in love, tends to become unforgivably protective ( and possesive). Amazing what a few months in OCS has taught me about material possesion. IF only.
5) Dated a girl on and off for two years. Treated her like crap for the first year or so, always breaking up with her in the end. But the moment i decided to give the relationship the due attention in required, i gets dumped, and before you can say "go Lemmings" shes with someone else. Hmm.. Serves me right i suppose.
6) Got into OCS. It was no easy work to get here, and no easy work to leave here either. The hours are crazy, the days are tiring, the nights are fitful. But the end is near. ;)
7) Lost my other close friend, this time to studies. Shes going to Australia in stages, returning 4 or 5 months for the holidays. I miss her already. She's my longest girl-friend i have(almost 7 years!) and i have this feeling were fated to fulfill the promise we made when we were 14. :)
8) Did "Tainted Flower" as well as directed the lukewarm "sketches: A story of hope" for and with Yellow Chair Productions. Proudest moment ever when i started cutting my hair in Tainted and got screams of horror from the crowd. Preeetttyyy cool.
9) Made great friends from yellow chair, Shai, Yaz, Shahdon, to name a few.. met the gruesome twosome there as well, and ended getting spat on. Genius.
10) Did Ides of March! slow, boring, with a rousing finish, ides was my first step into proper acting. Cool huh?
11) Acted in R21 as well as Takdir, a final year project for a friend of mine. Oh well. tv acting hasnt been my cup of tea just yet. :)
Thats all folks. a pretty candid affair, i think. Any input, feel free to drop me a line. cheers..
Monday, July 23, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Hello Everyone,
Yellow Chair Productions and Tampines Central CC YEC present 'The Chronicles of Maria,' a play that has been fully conceptualised and developed solely by youths who love theatre, with little professional help.
Maria, arrives in Singapore to study medicine at a university and later takes up a part-time job as a domestic helper, inspired by her best friend, Susie. Faced with having to balance school and work, Maria has to endure the circumstances of working for a rigid employer and finding time to fall in love with a fellow foreigner, Azlan.
Meanwhile, a mysterious hooded figure keeps appearing, warning Maria of her fate. Puzzled by the hooded figure's words, Maria accidentally stumbles upon a portal which transports her to the kingdom of Airam. There, she discovers that she is the Chosen One who is destined to stop the ruthless Queen Zahira from her rule.
Since 2005, Yellow Chair Productions has been encouraging and providing youths between the ages of 17-21 with a platform to showcase their talents and works. Following tradition, Yellow Chair Productions has increased the age group from 13-25 for 'The Chronicles of Maria'. Yellow Chair Productions has also been developing shows for the community and hope to work with schools. The team also intends to rope in more youths to be a part of a vibrant and passionate family of youths who love doing what they do.
Maria, arrives in Singapore to study medicine at a university and later takes up a part-time job as a domestic helper, inspired by her best friend, Susie. Faced with having to balance school and work, Maria has to endure the circumstances of working for a rigid employer and finding time to fall in love with a fellow foreigner, Azlan.
Meanwhile, a mysterious hooded figure keeps appearing, warning Maria of her fate. Puzzled by the hooded figure's words, Maria accidentally stumbles upon a portal which transports her to the kingdom of Airam. There, she discovers that she is the Chosen One who is destined to stop the ruthless Queen Zahira from her rule.
Since 2005, Yellow Chair Productions has been encouraging and providing youths between the ages of 17-21 with a platform to showcase their talents and works. Following tradition, Yellow Chair Productions has increased the age group from 13-25 for 'The Chronicles of Maria'. Yellow Chair Productions has also been developing shows for the community and hope to work with schools. The team also intends to rope in more youths to be a part of a vibrant and passionate family of youths who love doing what they do.
The Chronicles of Maria
24th August 2007 (Friday) - 7:30pm
25th August 2007 (Saturday) - 2pm, 7:30pm
Tickets: $20, $25
Tickets are also available at all Singpost Branchs & S.A.M. Kiosks.
For enquiries regarding The Chronicles of Maria or Yellow Chair Productions, please contact Shaiful at 96464115 or Zul at 81684847.
Warmest Regards,
Mohamad Shaifulbahri
Artistic Director
Yellow Chair Productions
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Order of the phoenix: one roti prata with tea halia

Wow.. now dis is cool.. i cant wait for the order of the phoenix to actually appear on screen! the book was pretty good, but ive seen the trailer and it completely blew my mind away!
And as usual, Emma Watson completely stole my heart. I mean seriously! When i first saw her, i had a crush on her, even tho she was just 13( i was 15 i think), and now, she has matured to become a beautiful young women( so im not really a paedo).. im sure many of yous out there would agree... right??
But i dont think i have to go all the way to England to actually meet the woman of my dreams..
I mean, itll be
and ill prolly never get to see her.. She'll prolly be taller than me( not that im short lah..) and most likely have a higher sex drive(not that i mind lah..) if she was english..
Nah.. Singaporean girls are way, way, better..
Monday, June 25, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Far far away
Far, Far away, in the south China Sea-ah.
I left, a girl, with tears in here eyes.
I could still see the pain in her eyes as she silently helped me put on my uniform. She never once looked at my face; it seemed that her gaze was permanently locked onto my chest. I knew then that my strong, strong wife was doing something i never thought she'd do.
She started to weep, but no sound came from her lips. She took a step back and covered her mouth in an attempt to stop any sound from escaping. She watched as i put on my combat harness, checked my field pack for its readiness, and adjusted the straps of my helmet.
It was time to say goodbye.
We stood apart for a moment, both wishing so intensely that it was all a dream and that nothing was real, except for our love. It was a fool's hope. Finally, she looked into my eyes, and i saw the tear tracks down her perfect cheeks. Her will was strong. The tears that were there before had been banished completely. Only a love and a fierce hope for my return burned brightly through her gaze.
She came closer, and tapped the word on my left hand chest pocket. Singapore.
"Make us proud." She kissed me, infusing all her desire, all her sorrow, all her anger into one sweet embrace, that i felt was too swift for me.
"And come back to me, husband. I love you."
I must go where the brave men die-ah.
A soldier has to fight the fight because he loves his land-yah!
A soldier has to fight the fight, he has, to DIE!
The march was intense. It had been many months since i had walked very long distances, and tonight, the night of all nights, i was seriously in need of a rest. But i glanced at my men. They walked on, silent in the darkness, and i felt buoyed by their determintaion. These men would fight and die for their country. They would do the same for me.
The forward platoon swerved into the undergrowth, and i signalled for mty point section to follow. The first few kilometers had been covered on dirt tracks, but the rest would have to be done through thick vegetation that, hopefully, has been cleared by the recon team. it was much darker here, but it suited our purpose; the enemy would feel the power of our attack before they understood that their deaths had arrived slightly earlier than expected.
In the inky blackness of the humid night, with sweat pouring like a brimming fountain, i grinned as i fingered my rifle stock.
it was hours before a halt was called. With hand signals, the company HQ had passed down a message. " O-group". Orders group. I nodded, passed down the message, and got up to move forward.
Platoon Commander 1 was already there, his runner a shadow behind him. i had forgotten about my runner. I stopped to go back, but a shadow bumped into me from behind, and there was a quiet whisper of apology. My runner had came after all.
I patted him on the sholder, and carried on to kneel in the circle of the orders group. The OC was tapping slowly on his weapon, checking his watch from time to time. He seemed calm, accept for his tapping, although i surmised that it was not despair or anticipation that made him do so, rather a need to get things done fast. He was extremely particular on punctuality.
The 3rd platoon commander finally arrived, his runner in tow, and the OC fixed him with a glare that was like flares in the night. The 3rd PC began to offer an explanation but the captain quickly silenced him with a gesture.
"No time for that. Gentlemen, you know what to do. So go do it. 2Lt Taufiq, you will takeyour platoon and capture this objective. stay behind as the company goes past. Remember, 0600 is the h-hour." he nodded at me, and continued on with the briefing. I wasnt listening. i felt numb. But slowly, movement came to my limbs. i felt myself wake up, my sensors overloading as adrenalin filled my veins to the brim.
"Alright. Taufiq, your move. The rest of us, lets go."
'Cos we are the ones who hold the front.
Cos we are the ones who holds the guns.
We are mighty warriors of our land-yah!
(note: This is a song in the army that i can identify with. Unfortunately, i cant continue the story becos its starting to sound like an adventure show, so ill stop. the main part is the beginning actually. hmm..)
Monday, June 18, 2007
the past
im blogging twice, becos this is quite a separate topic. ive been wondering about the past actually.
I had this friend once, whom im not to close to anymore due to personal reasons, and i read what the person wrote on her blog way back when we were close. Its pretty sad that i saw things from my own eyes, and never bothered to see how she felt. The things she described me of doing, in retrospect, was so immature it makes the present me cringe in pain.
I could have rescued that friendship had i been less dramatic.
But then, we learn from our mistakes, eh? We learn what to do, and what to say, and to empathise with the other party, to think thru someone mind. We learn that small things mean a lot, and big things should be done in moderation so as to keep it BIG( verstendehen?) We also learn that chances should be grabbed with both hands and that the future is up to us to decide, to choose of the myriad of possibilities.
The only regret i have is that i should have matured sooner.
I had this friend once, whom im not to close to anymore due to personal reasons, and i read what the person wrote on her blog way back when we were close. Its pretty sad that i saw things from my own eyes, and never bothered to see how she felt. The things she described me of doing, in retrospect, was so immature it makes the present me cringe in pain.
I could have rescued that friendship had i been less dramatic.
But then, we learn from our mistakes, eh? We learn what to do, and what to say, and to empathise with the other party, to think thru someone mind. We learn that small things mean a lot, and big things should be done in moderation so as to keep it BIG( verstendehen?) We also learn that chances should be grabbed with both hands and that the future is up to us to decide, to choose of the myriad of possibilities.
The only regret i have is that i should have matured sooner.
You know, things are starting to look bleak in the future.
(personally i mean)
Am about to commision in less than 3 months. Swamped with work now, got comms ball to plan, two events for the cadets mess(nope, its a posh place to eat for cadets. im on the council too.) somewhere between now and taiwan. Broke. Thrashed tragically by an established gamer and a big upstart who has been riding on the waves of the more experienced(ill get you shai, i promise.) Have top get ippt GOLD before taiwan.. impossible, seeing i cant jump for nuts..
on the other hand,
1)YCP is heading in a wonderful direction and im glad to be onboard to help influence its course.
2) Im getting a gaming pc when i commision and sign on.( its going to be top notch siah.)
3) People in Hotel actually laugh at my jokes( please ignore the actually).
4)Got Shai hooked on Company of Heroes
5) Commisioning ball production is an exciting prospect!
looks like the future is going to be.. exciting.. haha
(personally i mean)
Am about to commision in less than 3 months. Swamped with work now, got comms ball to plan, two events for the cadets mess(nope, its a posh place to eat for cadets. im on the council too.) somewhere between now and taiwan. Broke. Thrashed tragically by an established gamer and a big upstart who has been riding on the waves of the more experienced(ill get you shai, i promise.) Have top get ippt GOLD before taiwan.. impossible, seeing i cant jump for nuts..
on the other hand,
1)YCP is heading in a wonderful direction and im glad to be onboard to help influence its course.
2) Im getting a gaming pc when i commision and sign on.( its going to be top notch siah.)
3) People in Hotel actually laugh at my jokes( please ignore the actually).
4)Got Shai hooked on Company of Heroes
5) Commisioning ball production is an exciting prospect!
looks like the future is going to be.. exciting.. haha
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
The End
ever get the feeling youve reached the end of the road?
I didnt think it would be this painful.
I didnt think it would be this painful.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
more ilyas
The lights to the store were dim in the stillness of the cool night. Through the dirty window pane of his beat up honda, Alistair observed the old indian man. He was slowly putting the days taking into an old velvet bag, his mouth moving in an unheard song as he counted the notes into the bag.
Alistair reached into his sweater and felt the cool steel of his revolver. He had run through the plan in his head at least 12 times as he drove to this semi deserted spot. A dilapidated neighbourhood that had once been full of promise, it was now filled with empty mansions and half finished projects that had been abandoned and claimed by the squatters. The police, Alistair knew, were too busy with under table dealings and internal affairs to bother chasing them away. Maybe ten years ago, such a thing might never have happened. Then, Maine had been properous, a growing hub for international business and was steadily becoming the utopia that its founder had envisioned centuries past.
But things had broken down.No one knew why. Slowly, over 5 years, everything loss value. Investors started looking elsewhere, projects were stopped and the world forgot about the little island of Maine in favour of its bigger neighbours. She had become a promise that was never fulfilled. An island which had disappeared from memory.
Crime lords ruled the streets. Money was the key to everything, from expensive Prada handbags to the policemen patrolling the streets. People were immune to the pain of others because they were too engrossed in their own pain to care.
Well almost. Alistair disliked the new man at the head of the country. He had promised the jaded nation that he would cleanse the City state, bring justice and the luster that had defined Maine once upon a time. That meant Alistair would be out of his Job. He checked that the weapon was loaded and put to safe, and braced for action.
The car door swung open and Alistair cursed silently as he put his sneakers into a puddle. He shook his foot furiously to get rid of the water, straightened up, and touched the pistol grip that was had against the small of his back. He took a calming breath, and pulled up his hoodie, partially covering his face with the black material and gently closed the door behind him.
Striding forward slowly, he gained speed as he entered the dim light of the shop. The old man didnt look up.
"We're closed."
With a soft shick, the pistol was out and pointed directly at the old man's right eye.
"I want all your money. Now," growled Alistair as he jerked the gun in the direction of the bag. The old man dropped the bag in his terror, his hands flying up. Alistair could feel the power he had over this small man. He grinned, savouring the joy it gave him.
"Please! I only have a small shop! I have grandchildren to feed, please!" pleaded the old man, his hands shaking as his face was twisted as he begged. "Please, Sir! Please!"
The feeling of power inside him, Alistair felt he could do no wrong. He stepped forward a step, and brought his weapon butt hard agains the old mans cheek. He crumpled to the floor, whimpering. Alistair put the weapon on fire, and once more drew a bead on the man's head.
"The money. Now!"
The old man started to cry pathetically, slowly made a move for his bag which lay a foot away. Suddenly, he stopped, his red, glistening eyes widened as he spotted something behind Alistair.
"Is that thing even loaded?"
Alistair swung around. He found himself looking down at a boy in green, who was studying the cigarette display with interest as his fingers traced down the glass pane looking for the brand that he wanted. Alistair grinned. This one is as good as dead.
"Yeah. Why don't I try one on you?"
The boy continued to smile. A small ahh escaped his lips as he chose a pack of red, opened the glass door and helped himself to a box. Knocking the box on the heel of his palm, he made his way around Alistair and handed the trembling old man a tenner. Alistair looked on in disbelief, his weapon at the boys head. This kid sure had balls. Alistair felt that he had to shoot at least one of them off.
"Oi, im talking to you wiseguy. You better bugger off, or im about to make you holy. Really holy." Alistair chuckled at his wit. But the boy merely smiled. Now he began to light the cigarette, with a lighter on the store counter, and drew in a breath before blowing it out slowly.
Alistair was about to speak when he was interupted by the boy.
" Nice night for a robbery, huh? Pity you came alone. I would have loved to get some practice tonight." said the boy, puffing slowly. For the first time, he looked hard into Alistair's eyes. Alistair gasped. The boy's eyes were a blazing green, hard and steely. Eyes of a warrior. He could have sworn they were brown just minutes before.
"So before i do anything you would regret, i suggest you take your weapon elsewhere."
Alistair frowned. He was the one holding the gun. What was the boy playing at? Never in his whole career had such a thing happened to one of his planned operations. He had always been succesful. Hadn't he already killed 23 men? Men who had tried to stop him because they thought they could take him. They thought they were stronger than him, faster than him. But he was always better. He had always gotten his man. And now, this boy, barely out of his teen, was challenging him.
He had had enough. With a sudden twist, his pistol went flying across the boys face, and he kicked forward simultaneously, wanting to force the boy to the floor where he would be at Alistair's mercy.
His hand stopped an inch from the boys face, but the boy didn't anticpate the kick. He flew backwards, and landed in the dust with a thud. Alistair was impressed. The boy was fast. But evidentally, not fast enough.
"Cocky little kid. Your quite fast for someone your age." he said, sneering as the boy slowly got up." Now lets see you dodge a bullet." He squeezed the trigger.
The bullet slammed into the boy and he flew 5 feet out of the shop and onto the dirty road. There, he lay still.
Alistair looked on in silence. Unable to bear it any longer, the power inside him making him laugh, he exclaimed "HOLY SHIT!" and started to guffaw. He turned to the old man, who had now grasped the satin bag to his chest and lay wideeyed and still where he had left him.
"Geddit? Holey shit?!" Still laughing as tears of happiness rolled down his face, Alistair moved towards the cowering old man, gave him an almighty kick, and picked up the satin bag. The old man was howling in pain, and alistair gave him another one, just in case.
"Shut up will you? Your lucky you don't join your friend out there. So just shut the hell up." Alistair started to pocket his gun, but with the adrenelin running, he fumbled and nearly dropped the weapon. The satin bag though, fell from his hand. Cursing, he bent over to get it, when he saw something green behind him.
He barely had time to straighten up when a blurred fist crashed into the small of his back. As he collapsed and darkness claimed him, he thought he heard the boy tutting.
"Thats not funny at all, man."
"Thank you, Ilyas. I thought my time was over." The old man had offered a cup of tea to Ilyas, but Ilyas had declined as he tied up the thug before calling the police. He had been on the way home from school when he heard the commotion. He silently thanked the Almighty for giving him extra classes that day.
"Its alright, Mr. Samy. It was no problem." He checked the bonds on the criminals face and made a face as it checked out. "In a few minutes, the police will be here. They'll take care of it."
Mr Samy sighed. " The police arent any different you know. Just last week that patrolman came and asked me for protection money." He nodded at the trussed up thug." So much for that protection."
Ilyas frowned." You paid him?"
"Of course, i had no choice," said Mr Samy as he spread his hand and shrugged. " He'll ask for more when he gets here."
Ilyas felt sorry for Mr Samy. All around Maine, small businesses were suffering the same thing, and there was no way he could help them all. The few police men who were straight were outnumbered and too afraid to do anything about it.
"He wont come here, " promised Ilyas. " I asked a friend to come instead, and you can trust her. She's one of the last straight cops around."
Mr Samy smiled at Ilyas, and he felt his heart lighten considerably. "Thank you again. You have always been kind. Except ," Mr Samy frowned, " I saw the man shoot you. My eyes arent what they used to be, but im sure im not mistaken."
Ilyas was saved from lying. The man in the chair started to groan and come awake, but Ilyas was faster. He administered another blow to the head, and the man continued to snore.
"I have to go, Mr Samy. You take care." He turned away, thankful that his secret was still a secret.
"You take care too," he heard Mr Samy say. "Your father would be proud."
Ilyas paused at the mention of his father. He knew Mr Samy had been close friends with his father, but he had deceived himself that the old man wouldnt mention his father at all. He felt unshed tears at the edges of his vision, and blinked them away. He turned and gave Mr Samy a quick smile, and continued onwards.
As he walked, he looked up at the stars, and wondered whether his father was looking at him now. he pictured his father looking down, smiling and nodding at his deed, proud of what his son had become.
Tears broke though his barrier, and Ilyas started to pray for his father's soul.
Alistair reached into his sweater and felt the cool steel of his revolver. He had run through the plan in his head at least 12 times as he drove to this semi deserted spot. A dilapidated neighbourhood that had once been full of promise, it was now filled with empty mansions and half finished projects that had been abandoned and claimed by the squatters. The police, Alistair knew, were too busy with under table dealings and internal affairs to bother chasing them away. Maybe ten years ago, such a thing might never have happened. Then, Maine had been properous, a growing hub for international business and was steadily becoming the utopia that its founder had envisioned centuries past.
But things had broken down.No one knew why. Slowly, over 5 years, everything loss value. Investors started looking elsewhere, projects were stopped and the world forgot about the little island of Maine in favour of its bigger neighbours. She had become a promise that was never fulfilled. An island which had disappeared from memory.
Crime lords ruled the streets. Money was the key to everything, from expensive Prada handbags to the policemen patrolling the streets. People were immune to the pain of others because they were too engrossed in their own pain to care.
Well almost. Alistair disliked the new man at the head of the country. He had promised the jaded nation that he would cleanse the City state, bring justice and the luster that had defined Maine once upon a time. That meant Alistair would be out of his Job. He checked that the weapon was loaded and put to safe, and braced for action.
The car door swung open and Alistair cursed silently as he put his sneakers into a puddle. He shook his foot furiously to get rid of the water, straightened up, and touched the pistol grip that was had against the small of his back. He took a calming breath, and pulled up his hoodie, partially covering his face with the black material and gently closed the door behind him.
Striding forward slowly, he gained speed as he entered the dim light of the shop. The old man didnt look up.
"We're closed."
With a soft shick, the pistol was out and pointed directly at the old man's right eye.
"I want all your money. Now," growled Alistair as he jerked the gun in the direction of the bag. The old man dropped the bag in his terror, his hands flying up. Alistair could feel the power he had over this small man. He grinned, savouring the joy it gave him.
"Please! I only have a small shop! I have grandchildren to feed, please!" pleaded the old man, his hands shaking as his face was twisted as he begged. "Please, Sir! Please!"
The feeling of power inside him, Alistair felt he could do no wrong. He stepped forward a step, and brought his weapon butt hard agains the old mans cheek. He crumpled to the floor, whimpering. Alistair put the weapon on fire, and once more drew a bead on the man's head.
"The money. Now!"
The old man started to cry pathetically, slowly made a move for his bag which lay a foot away. Suddenly, he stopped, his red, glistening eyes widened as he spotted something behind Alistair.
"Is that thing even loaded?"
Alistair swung around. He found himself looking down at a boy in green, who was studying the cigarette display with interest as his fingers traced down the glass pane looking for the brand that he wanted. Alistair grinned. This one is as good as dead.
"Yeah. Why don't I try one on you?"
The boy continued to smile. A small ahh escaped his lips as he chose a pack of red, opened the glass door and helped himself to a box. Knocking the box on the heel of his palm, he made his way around Alistair and handed the trembling old man a tenner. Alistair looked on in disbelief, his weapon at the boys head. This kid sure had balls. Alistair felt that he had to shoot at least one of them off.
"Oi, im talking to you wiseguy. You better bugger off, or im about to make you holy. Really holy." Alistair chuckled at his wit. But the boy merely smiled. Now he began to light the cigarette, with a lighter on the store counter, and drew in a breath before blowing it out slowly.
Alistair was about to speak when he was interupted by the boy.
" Nice night for a robbery, huh? Pity you came alone. I would have loved to get some practice tonight." said the boy, puffing slowly. For the first time, he looked hard into Alistair's eyes. Alistair gasped. The boy's eyes were a blazing green, hard and steely. Eyes of a warrior. He could have sworn they were brown just minutes before.
"So before i do anything you would regret, i suggest you take your weapon elsewhere."
Alistair frowned. He was the one holding the gun. What was the boy playing at? Never in his whole career had such a thing happened to one of his planned operations. He had always been succesful. Hadn't he already killed 23 men? Men who had tried to stop him because they thought they could take him. They thought they were stronger than him, faster than him. But he was always better. He had always gotten his man. And now, this boy, barely out of his teen, was challenging him.
He had had enough. With a sudden twist, his pistol went flying across the boys face, and he kicked forward simultaneously, wanting to force the boy to the floor where he would be at Alistair's mercy.
His hand stopped an inch from the boys face, but the boy didn't anticpate the kick. He flew backwards, and landed in the dust with a thud. Alistair was impressed. The boy was fast. But evidentally, not fast enough.
"Cocky little kid. Your quite fast for someone your age." he said, sneering as the boy slowly got up." Now lets see you dodge a bullet." He squeezed the trigger.
The bullet slammed into the boy and he flew 5 feet out of the shop and onto the dirty road. There, he lay still.
Alistair looked on in silence. Unable to bear it any longer, the power inside him making him laugh, he exclaimed "HOLY SHIT!" and started to guffaw. He turned to the old man, who had now grasped the satin bag to his chest and lay wideeyed and still where he had left him.
"Geddit? Holey shit?!" Still laughing as tears of happiness rolled down his face, Alistair moved towards the cowering old man, gave him an almighty kick, and picked up the satin bag. The old man was howling in pain, and alistair gave him another one, just in case.
"Shut up will you? Your lucky you don't join your friend out there. So just shut the hell up." Alistair started to pocket his gun, but with the adrenelin running, he fumbled and nearly dropped the weapon. The satin bag though, fell from his hand. Cursing, he bent over to get it, when he saw something green behind him.
He barely had time to straighten up when a blurred fist crashed into the small of his back. As he collapsed and darkness claimed him, he thought he heard the boy tutting.
"Thats not funny at all, man."
"Thank you, Ilyas. I thought my time was over." The old man had offered a cup of tea to Ilyas, but Ilyas had declined as he tied up the thug before calling the police. He had been on the way home from school when he heard the commotion. He silently thanked the Almighty for giving him extra classes that day.
"Its alright, Mr. Samy. It was no problem." He checked the bonds on the criminals face and made a face as it checked out. "In a few minutes, the police will be here. They'll take care of it."
Mr Samy sighed. " The police arent any different you know. Just last week that patrolman came and asked me for protection money." He nodded at the trussed up thug." So much for that protection."
Ilyas frowned." You paid him?"
"Of course, i had no choice," said Mr Samy as he spread his hand and shrugged. " He'll ask for more when he gets here."
Ilyas felt sorry for Mr Samy. All around Maine, small businesses were suffering the same thing, and there was no way he could help them all. The few police men who were straight were outnumbered and too afraid to do anything about it.
"He wont come here, " promised Ilyas. " I asked a friend to come instead, and you can trust her. She's one of the last straight cops around."
Mr Samy smiled at Ilyas, and he felt his heart lighten considerably. "Thank you again. You have always been kind. Except ," Mr Samy frowned, " I saw the man shoot you. My eyes arent what they used to be, but im sure im not mistaken."
Ilyas was saved from lying. The man in the chair started to groan and come awake, but Ilyas was faster. He administered another blow to the head, and the man continued to snore.
"I have to go, Mr Samy. You take care." He turned away, thankful that his secret was still a secret.
"You take care too," he heard Mr Samy say. "Your father would be proud."
Ilyas paused at the mention of his father. He knew Mr Samy had been close friends with his father, but he had deceived himself that the old man wouldnt mention his father at all. He felt unshed tears at the edges of his vision, and blinked them away. He turned and gave Mr Samy a quick smile, and continued onwards.
As he walked, he looked up at the stars, and wondered whether his father was looking at him now. he pictured his father looking down, smiling and nodding at his deed, proud of what his son had become.
Tears broke though his barrier, and Ilyas started to pray for his father's soul.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Here we goooooooooooooo, hey!
They say its going to be bad over there. And I agree. Its going to be sweltering, raining, cold, hungry and all that shit.. but its all fun i suppose.. haha
Congrats to Nadz and Yaz. I mean, to be the critics choice and audiences choice.. wow man, you guys rock(like batu).. and Yaz i think your going police.. you look good in that blue uniform.. i dun think green suits u.. wahahah
Shai, great job, i think its a no brainer ur in there somewhere. Please dont forget the script for my commisioning ball.. make it something good, cos u are my plan A and Plan B.. haha..
I miss you guys! training has been tough, but this weekend will hail an unprecedented 3 day off(sunday, monday, tuesday night book-in).. so lets meet up if i havent met up with u for sometime, and shoot the shit a little bit..
Motivational LInes:
Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
What are we holding on to, Sam?
[He helps Frodo up and says:]
That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.
Congrats to Nadz and Yaz. I mean, to be the critics choice and audiences choice.. wow man, you guys rock(like batu).. and Yaz i think your going police.. you look good in that blue uniform.. i dun think green suits u.. wahahah
Shai, great job, i think its a no brainer ur in there somewhere. Please dont forget the script for my commisioning ball.. make it something good, cos u are my plan A and Plan B.. haha..
I miss you guys! training has been tough, but this weekend will hail an unprecedented 3 day off(sunday, monday, tuesday night book-in).. so lets meet up if i havent met up with u for sometime, and shoot the shit a little bit..
Motivational LInes:
Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
What are we holding on to, Sam?
[He helps Frodo up and says:]
That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Confirming ground
In case your wondering, the title for this entry is an action one takes when he is navigating and needs to look around to find out wheere he is exactly on the map. So here i am, confirming ground on my life so far.
I keep track with the blogs of my drama pals( yaz, sha, and shai) and i feel how far im walking away from my previous life. here its all striving, fighting sleep, fighting exhaustion, fighting lazyness and boredom. Time seems lost as one digs a shellscrape, run 2.4 km within 10 mins, march 16 km with blistered feet and sprained ankle. I remember those times i would while away the hours with loved ones(ie: PS2.. haha.. jk, dear) while the day remained sultry and the cool breeze made you sigh.
I remember eating anything i wanted, smoking anytime i felt like, having the choice to run or sleep and play lan when i felt like thrashing Yazid(riiittteee...). I miss those days.
I read Yazids blog, and as much as i dun really noe abang azroy, i envy him the time he has to go have lunch with him. I see the auditions, and i feel the pang of being there only 5 hours out of the total 18. I mean, i should have contributed much more, but the only thing i contributed was my presence. Was it enough?
I have 3 more years of this. Is that really wat i want? To be in green, to kill and be killed for that one bar, and for the 27 men behind me. For the red and white and the moon and stars. For my family. For all the families.
All these require sacrifices. All this takes time, patience and practice.
I love you all out there. Ill come out a better man, inshallah.
Its time to fall in again. See you soon.
I keep track with the blogs of my drama pals( yaz, sha, and shai) and i feel how far im walking away from my previous life. here its all striving, fighting sleep, fighting exhaustion, fighting lazyness and boredom. Time seems lost as one digs a shellscrape, run 2.4 km within 10 mins, march 16 km with blistered feet and sprained ankle. I remember those times i would while away the hours with loved ones(ie: PS2.. haha.. jk, dear) while the day remained sultry and the cool breeze made you sigh.
I remember eating anything i wanted, smoking anytime i felt like, having the choice to run or sleep and play lan when i felt like thrashing Yazid(riiittteee...). I miss those days.
I read Yazids blog, and as much as i dun really noe abang azroy, i envy him the time he has to go have lunch with him. I see the auditions, and i feel the pang of being there only 5 hours out of the total 18. I mean, i should have contributed much more, but the only thing i contributed was my presence. Was it enough?
I have 3 more years of this. Is that really wat i want? To be in green, to kill and be killed for that one bar, and for the 27 men behind me. For the red and white and the moon and stars. For my family. For all the families.
All these require sacrifices. All this takes time, patience and practice.
I love you all out there. Ill come out a better man, inshallah.
Its time to fall in again. See you soon.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
A story when im bored
"So tell me something about yourself. Something i dont know."
Ilyas looked thoughtful for a moment. In his arms, Lois was warm and pliant, and Ilyas felt relaxed. For the first time in a long time, he actually forgot about his fathers death. He screwed up his face for a moment.
"It shouldnt be that difficult. weve only been together a week."
Ilyas laughed. He caressed her cheek and kissed her head as she smiled up at him. In the background, Micheal Buble crooned "Moondance", and at that moment, Ilyas felt the happiest he had ever felt in his life. He felt light headed, and he couldnt stop smiling since the day he had asked her to be his.
"Well, i like to sleep with the same socks everyday."
She giggled. It was the tinkling sound of water in a clear crystal bowl. She shifted her head onto his lap, and twirled a strand of hair that had fallen across her face.
"Well, i definitely didnt know that," she giggled again, and sighed. " i thought you could tell me something more.. urrmm.. major?"
"Like what?"
She shrugged. "I dont know. If i knew i wouldnt be asking right?" She smiled.
Ilyas shifted uncomfortably. He didnt think it was time to tell her of the jacket. Of his father. Of Sade. He looked away, out the window. The last month had been hard. His father's passing, the kidnapping to a secret labyrinth,the reading of the prophecy that he felt had nothing to do with him, and his encounters with Sade's minions had messed up the calm, stable life he had.
Ilyas broke away from his thoughts and his eyes focused her. She was looking at him with a worried frown on her face. Gently, he eased her off and stood up, grabbing his jacket which had resumed the shape of a battered green sweat jacket.
"I have to go. Your parents will be back soon," he said, putting on the weightless jacket, feeling the now-familiar tingle as he put it on. He made for the open window.
"Did i say something wrong?" she asked slowly, a tiny frown on her delicate face.
Ilyas paused. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but closed it. He couldnt tell her. At least not yet.
He reached out for her and kissed her. He gazed into her eyes as if to drink from the limpid pools of her eyes, to fill him up for what was to come.
"Ask me again sometime, okay?"
He climbed out the window and descended with the help of the trellis. It was time for the hunt. Tonight, he would head to the wharves, where he had encountered Borei.
Because where Borei was, Sade would be.
* * *
Lois watched as Ilyas sprinted of, his green jacket a dark streak in a moonless night. She turned off the music, and felt the door open behind her. A large shadow blocked the light from the corridor and a sibilant sigh escaped Borei's lips as he came to stand beside Lois.
"Are you sure he's the warrior clad in green? He seems so.. useless."
Borei laughed, a grunting noise from deep in his throat.
"Keep at it, my pet. He is besotted with you. Soon he will tell you everything." He drew a clawed finger on her cheek, the exact same spot Ilyas had lovingly caressed not a moment ago. Lois, closed her eyes like a kitten and shuddered with ecstasy.
"Soon we will know if he is as the prophecy says. If he is, then he will lead us to Sade."
Borei pricked Lois perfect skin with his claw, and watched as she sighed at the pain.Blood welled at the cut. He drew back his hand and clenched his fist.
"And then, we kill them BOTH."
Ilyas looked thoughtful for a moment. In his arms, Lois was warm and pliant, and Ilyas felt relaxed. For the first time in a long time, he actually forgot about his fathers death. He screwed up his face for a moment.
"It shouldnt be that difficult. weve only been together a week."
Ilyas laughed. He caressed her cheek and kissed her head as she smiled up at him. In the background, Micheal Buble crooned "Moondance", and at that moment, Ilyas felt the happiest he had ever felt in his life. He felt light headed, and he couldnt stop smiling since the day he had asked her to be his.
"Well, i like to sleep with the same socks everyday."
She giggled. It was the tinkling sound of water in a clear crystal bowl. She shifted her head onto his lap, and twirled a strand of hair that had fallen across her face.
"Well, i definitely didnt know that," she giggled again, and sighed. " i thought you could tell me something more.. urrmm.. major?"
"Like what?"
She shrugged. "I dont know. If i knew i wouldnt be asking right?" She smiled.
Ilyas shifted uncomfortably. He didnt think it was time to tell her of the jacket. Of his father. Of Sade. He looked away, out the window. The last month had been hard. His father's passing, the kidnapping to a secret labyrinth,the reading of the prophecy that he felt had nothing to do with him, and his encounters with Sade's minions had messed up the calm, stable life he had.
Ilyas broke away from his thoughts and his eyes focused her. She was looking at him with a worried frown on her face. Gently, he eased her off and stood up, grabbing his jacket which had resumed the shape of a battered green sweat jacket.
"I have to go. Your parents will be back soon," he said, putting on the weightless jacket, feeling the now-familiar tingle as he put it on. He made for the open window.
"Did i say something wrong?" she asked slowly, a tiny frown on her delicate face.
Ilyas paused. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but closed it. He couldnt tell her. At least not yet.
He reached out for her and kissed her. He gazed into her eyes as if to drink from the limpid pools of her eyes, to fill him up for what was to come.
"Ask me again sometime, okay?"
He climbed out the window and descended with the help of the trellis. It was time for the hunt. Tonight, he would head to the wharves, where he had encountered Borei.
Because where Borei was, Sade would be.
* * *
Lois watched as Ilyas sprinted of, his green jacket a dark streak in a moonless night. She turned off the music, and felt the door open behind her. A large shadow blocked the light from the corridor and a sibilant sigh escaped Borei's lips as he came to stand beside Lois.
"Are you sure he's the warrior clad in green? He seems so.. useless."
Borei laughed, a grunting noise from deep in his throat.
"Keep at it, my pet. He is besotted with you. Soon he will tell you everything." He drew a clawed finger on her cheek, the exact same spot Ilyas had lovingly caressed not a moment ago. Lois, closed her eyes like a kitten and shuddered with ecstasy.
"Soon we will know if he is as the prophecy says. If he is, then he will lead us to Sade."
Borei pricked Lois perfect skin with his claw, and watched as she sighed at the pain.Blood welled at the cut. He drew back his hand and clenched his fist.
"And then, we kill them BOTH."
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
In the Officer Core
Its been soome time since i last blogged, but a lot of stuff has been happening, this 2 months past, and ive been neck deep in things todo. firstly, ive been assigned to OCS! in around 9 months( 8 months and counting) i shall receive one pip and be addressed as 2nd Leftenant Taufiq! woo hoo!
But the road, the journey to said destination is crazy. Hectic schedule, falling asleep exhausted each night, punishments that take up precious weekends, etc.. But i suppose at the end itll all be worth it. I hope.
The only thing thats keeping me sane is the thought of my parents, my ps2 waiting and last but definitely not least, is you-know-who-you-are.. tho there are times u make me wish id have been given confinement.. haha.. just wanted to tell u im still here.. and that ill be here for u thru anything, alrite?
Im like listening to EnD OF THE ROAD by Boyz 2 men.. its pretty sappy, but its not that bad.. somehow its in my mp3 haha..
Alritght, shall blog again soon.. gotta go for lectures now(yeap, its a school, rmbr?)
OCT Taufiq Jailani
But the road, the journey to said destination is crazy. Hectic schedule, falling asleep exhausted each night, punishments that take up precious weekends, etc.. But i suppose at the end itll all be worth it. I hope.
The only thing thats keeping me sane is the thought of my parents, my ps2 waiting and last but definitely not least, is you-know-who-you-are.. tho there are times u make me wish id have been given confinement.. haha.. just wanted to tell u im still here.. and that ill be here for u thru anything, alrite?
Im like listening to EnD OF THE ROAD by Boyz 2 men.. its pretty sappy, but its not that bad.. somehow its in my mp3 haha..
Alritght, shall blog again soon.. gotta go for lectures now(yeap, its a school, rmbr?)
OCT Taufiq Jailani
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